Kate graduated from Warsaw University of Technology as Master of Architecture in 2006. She moved to Denver, USA in 2011 where she worked as an illustrator for a year. She currently lives in Kent, UK and works as an illustrator and portrait artist.
Kate has been illustrating books and magazines, and working for private clients for some time now. She started drawing pencil portraits at the age of 7 and developed a deep fascination with human faces, expressions and anatomy. For many years she has been painting while working her way towards a degree in architectural design. During her studies she took freelance comissions for book covers and started working as an illustrator. Nowadays she works for Publishers and Private Clients. Her recent work includes 14 books from the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett published by Piper Verlag in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Illustrated Books :
P.J. Brackston German book edition of “Gretel and the Case of the Missing Frog Prints”
P.J. Brackston German book edition of “Once Upon a Crime”
Julia Lange's German book edition of “Irrlicht Feuer”
Robert Jackson Bennett's German book edition of “City of Stairs” for Bastei Lübbe.
Robert Jackson Bennett's German book edition of “City of Blades"for Bastei Lübbe.
Robert Jackson Bennett's German book edition of “City of Miracles"for Bastei Lübbe.
Terry Pratchett's Terry Pratchett's German book edition of “The Sorcery and Piramids”
Julia Lange "Irrlicht Feuer" book edition for Knaur
Terry Pratchett - "The Dodger"​- Piper Verlag
Terry Pratchett - "Color of Magic"​​- Piper Verlag
Terry Pratchett - "Light Fantastic"​- Piper Verlag​
Terry Pratchett - "Equal Rites"​​- Piper Verlag
Terry Pratchett - "Mort"​​- Piper Verlag
Terry Pratchett - "Sorcery"​​- Piper Verlag
Terry Pratchett - "Wyrd Sisters"​​ - Piper Verlag
Terry Pratchett - "Pyramids"​- Piper Verlag
Terry Pratchett - "Guards, Guards"​- Piper Verlag
Terry Pratchett - "Eric"​- Piper Verlag
Terry Pratchett - “der Zauberhut/ Piramiden” ​- Piper Verlag
Terry Pratchett - spine illustration - Piper Verlag
Terry Pratchett - "Dodger's guide to London"​ - Piper Verlag
Terry Pratchett - "the Dodger"​ - e-book - Hörbuch Hamburg HHV GmbH
Terry Pratchett - "Die Gelehrten der Scheibenwelt - Die Wissenschaft der Scheibenwelt 1" - Piper Verlag
Terry Pratchett - "Die Gelehrten der Scheibenwelt - Die Wissenschaft der Scheibenwelt 2" - Piper Verlag
Terry Pratchett - "Die Gelehrten der Scheibenwelt - Die Wissenschaft der Scheibenwelt 3" - Piper Verlag
Terry Pratchett - "Die Gelehrten der Scheibenwelt - Die Wissenschaft der Scheibenwelt 4" - Piper Verlag
Terry Pratchett - "Die Gelehrten der Scheibenwelt - Die Wissenschaft der Scheibenwelt 1-4" - Piper Verlag
Terry Pratchett "Der Zauberhut und Piraminden: - Piper Verlag
Thomas Kruger - "Die Fänger des Himmels” - Baumhaus
Paul Erickson - "Der Herr Der Ringel"​ ​- Piper Verlag
Simon Haynes - "Hal Spacejock"​ ​- Piper Verlag
Simon Haynes - "Hal Spacejock, Second Course" ​- Piper Verlag
"Kuzynki" - Andrzej Pilipiuk - 1st edition - Fabryka SÅ‚ów
"Księżniczka - Andrzej Pilipiuk - 1st edition- Fabryka SÅ‚ów
"Dziedziczki" Andrzej Pilipiuk - 1st edition- Fabryka SÅ‚ów
"Miasto w Zieleni i BÅ‚Ä™kicie" - Anna KaÅ„toch - 1st edition- Fabryka SÅ‚ów
"Wrota"- Milena Wójtowicz - 1st edition- Fabryka SÅ‚ów
"Kuzynki" - Andrzej Pilipiuk - collectors edition- Fabryka SÅ‚ów
"Księżniczka - Andrzej Pilipiuk - collectors edition- Fabryka SÅ‚ów
"Dziedziczki" Andrzej Pilipiuk - collectors edition- Fabryka SÅ‚ów
"Zaginiona" Andrzej Pilipiuk - collectors edition- Fabryka SÅ‚ów
"Wiedźmia Naczelna" Olga Gromyko - 1st edition- Fabryka SÅ‚ów
"Brylantowy Miecz, Drewniany Miecz -Nik Pierumov - 1st edition- Fabryka SÅ‚ów
"ZÅ‚odziej Dusz - Aneta Jadowska - 1st edition- Fabryka SÅ‚ów
Illustrated games:
Illustration for a "Kingdom" game for Fox Games
Illustrations for an RPG game, based on a book by Marek Krajewski "Erynie". Responsible for the design of: the box, the board, characters, cards and coins - Znak
Maine Coon portrait for the cover and oil painting tutorial for "Paint&Draw" magazine.
"How to paint an eye in oils" bite for "Paint&Draw" magazine.
"How to draw hands" bite for "Paint&Draw" magazine.
"How to paint a nose in oils" bite for "Paint&Draw" magazine.
"How to sketch" bite for "Paint&Draw" magazine.
"Krita Basics Part 1" for 3DStudio
"Krita Basics Part 2" for 3DStudio
"Krita Basics Part 3" for 3DStudio
"Core Skills: Krita - Part 1: Start Painting with Krita" for ImagineFX
"Core Skills: Krita - Part 2: Get familiar with Basic Tools" for ImagineFX
"Core Skills: Krita - Part 3: Customizing Brushes in Krita" for ImagineFX
"Core Skills: Krita - Part 4: Controlling Colors in Krita" for ImagineFX
"Core Skills: Krita - Part 5: Getting Familiar with Layers" for ImagineFX
"Core Skills: Krita - Part 6: Advanced Layer Functions" for ImagineFX
"Core Skills: Krita - Part 7: Using Assistant Tools" for ImagineFX
"Core Skills: Krita - Part 8: Useful Transformation Tools" for ImagineFX
Krita Interview for Linux Magazine.